Well, folks. It's a wrap. After starting the ski season at the beginning of April, I am now spending my first week in Bumpass without ski school running. We pushed it to a record-late close this fall, with warm weather blessing us into the second week of November, and eager (or addicted) skiers continuing to push it right to the end.

These were the last men standing on November 10th. Jim (far right) joined our community this year and achieved his lifetime goal of running the course with the gates in a matter of months. Chuck (right) joined the fold this year too and his passion for waterskiing has become an integral part of recovering from a stroke. Fittingly, "Charter" Charlie grabbed the last set of the season, continuing to hone his game into November and cementing his place as our most dedicated skier. I actually stole one final set on November 12th on a gorgeous day in Bumpass before pulling the boat for winter.
In the spirit of the season, I want to off a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this year the best and busiest yet. I couldn't ask for a stronger team than Kuz, Mason, Topher, Collin, Robbie and AJ. I look forward to working with all of you again next year! Moreover, the thanks goes to every skier who came out and took a lesson or in the case of someone like Jody, over 100 lessons! You all are allowing me to live my dream and provide for my family. We are all in this together. We have something special going on and I am excited to see how it continues to unfold. We have a lot in store for the future!
Biggest thanks of all goes to my primary supporters - my family. As most of you know, ski school would not be rockin' like it is without Amelia's efforts and Seth has jumped right onboard (literally).
Off-Season Training with FPM
I know many of you are missing the glory days of summer and dreaming about the potential next season. I feel the same way. For

those looking to optimize their game for next year and keep skiing a focal point through winter, I cannot recommend the Flow Point Method enough. "Off-season" training just began and that makes it a perfect time to join. Offseason training with FPM will help you prepare your body (strength and mobility) and your mind for your best season yet. Marcus and Jenny are two of my biggest mentors and they just released a 3-month membership, which is less expensive and perfect for those who ski with me by summer, but want the benefits of the program to round out the year. Click the icon for more info and reach out to Marcus and Jenny about the program.
Costa Rica
For those who simply cannot wait until April before taking your next set, I still have spaces open for my two weeks at Waterski Costa Rica.

Warm water, waterfalls, hot springs, zip lining, amazing (and healthy) food make the trip one of a kind. Amelia and Seth will be joining me from January 1-8 and then I'll continue coaching the week of January 8-15. Visit waterskicostarica.com to get in touch with Jim and book your week.
I always find the New Year's trip to Costa Rica an effective way to break the momentum of the holiday indulgences. Spending all day outside, skiing and staying active get me in gear to come home and continue the healthy habits. It's like a reset for mind, body and spirit.
Looking Ahead (Events next season)
The Buskey Cider Cup is slated for May 27-28. If you know; you know.
3-Day Junior Development Clinic - June 19-21. Email Tony or Amanda Quimper tonyquimper@yahoo.com or amandaquimper@gmail.com for more info.
Boat Driving Seminar in Bumpass - April 9. By popular request, we are planning to host an instructional driving clinic. This clinic is not for ratings, merely for improving your skills at the wheel. It will involve a classroom and on water portion and is open to all levels of drivers, but the primary focus will be pulling slalom and shortline driving in the course. I'll put out more details and registration info in the winter/spring.
A Personal Note
For those of you who came out this year, I deeply hope that I gave you my best and met your expectations. Looking back over the season, I know that I was not at my "personal best" in many ways. I was trying to find my balance and often felt like I was falling at one ball. Learning the flow of each day and week as a new dad, combined with trying to keep up with ski school's continuous blossoming and trying to train, travel and compete on the pro tour had me feeling like I was going 100mph in multiple directions. I think my skiing suffered most, but I also feel that there were times that I wish I had been more present to the people around me. If I seemed distant, distracted or overwhelmed during an interaction, I sincerely apologize and plan to do better. I am currently working on a 3-year plan for myself. I plan to ski on the pro tour for three more seasons AND to make them the best seasons I've ever had. I need all of you in my corner and appreciate those of you who repeatedly remind me that you are right there. I want us all striving toward our best together, and I hope the changes I am working on make this clear next season.
Will we have a new skier next year?

Time will tell. Seth is growing and learning new things every day. He loves skiing in the yard and may be ready for the water next summer. Mainly, this was too cute not to share.
Happy Holidays!
On a final note, I hope everyone's home is full of love and joy this holiday season. Seth, Amelia and I are sending lots of love from our home to yours! P.S. If you are looking for a great holiday gift for the skier in your life, check out our new Peace, Love & Waterskiing gloves. They are similar to ProGear or Miami Nautique gloves put with PLW style. I'm offering $5 off these already low-priced gloves until January 1, using coupon code Gift22. That brings the price to only $45! Love you all!
Wishing you, Amelia and Seth some very happy holidays! Seth will be on the water in no time, and he's so darned cute! You had ALOT going on the last couple of years and in my opinion, handling it all with grace and giving it your all! Just give yourself a break too! Looking forward to spending more time at PLW and with you guys in Florida!
All the Best to you, Amelia & Seth! Thank you for all you do for our waterski community! It’s so great having your ski school right here in Virginia! Happy Holidays! 🤗🎅🏻🤶🏻🎄
Happy Holidays Corey, Amelia and Seth! We can't wait to come down and see you all next year. Corey, on the personal note, you always give your all to everything you do and we are all always cheering for you when watching the TWBC broadcasts! It's important to give yourself some grace, too. Seth will be so much fun at the holidays this year! Enjoy!!!