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Spring Skiing Soon!

At this rate, our first sets at the Bum Pass Water Ski Club won't happen until April. Boo! I'm excite to be kicking off the month of April with one more trip to The Boarding School in Orlando for the Radar photoshoot. I'll be running around to various locations for the shoot, but I'm planning to offer some lessons at the boarding school too. If you are as eager for that spring kickstart as I am, drop me a line and we can line up some sets in warm Florida water. This photo by was my last set at TBS in February:

Thanks, Jimmy McClure for the photo. I recommend getting Jimmy to shoot you too. He's good. I'll be available March 30-April 6 for lessons. Then "Buoys, BBQ and Beer 3" is going down April 7 at TBS!

Looking further ahead, I'm proud to announce that we'll be hosting a "RadarNation Day" right here in Bumpass. Basically, this is an opportunity to test new Radar skis and gear, and to connect with more of the Radar team and community. Brooks Wilson will ring-leading the event, which is set for May 19. He is organizing registration/signups. Email him at Ski spots are limited, and the fun is going to continue even after the boat stops, so put this date on your calendar! If you are interested in trying or buying any Radar gear, you can always contact me for guidance and to place your order.

Junior Development 2018 is set. Mark your calendars with June 20-22. The popular three day and three night format is on. The only change is that the final day (Friday, June 22) will be a one round, C-class, 3-event tournament for the kids, coaches and volunteers. Applications and more info will be coming out soon for participants. For now, I'm looking for willing and able coaches. If you think you'd like to help fire up a group of young skiers, or know somebody who would, please hit me up -

We love volunteers, but have secured a coaching budget for qualified individuals. I'll be happy to provide more info and details to any and all who are interested.

Many of my fondest memories of summer came through my participation in this clinic. I'm glad to see it thriving over 20 years after I entered for the first time. Once you are a part of this scene, it'll keep you coming back.

Amelia and I have been working on some new designs for the 2018 PLW collection. I think we have some winners! Check out the current gear at

Unfortunately, it's still hoodie season in most parts. If you're feeling optimistic or live in Florida, I've found the gray zip-up hoodie to be really handy in a lot of situations. Also, I've put hats and tournament seats on sale to get them moving. Teasers of the new designs coming soon!

Although it seems far away now, spring should be coming any day (or week). Weekends at "The Ski&B" are already booked from the start of the season through June! Weekdays are still available and we hope to share many of those with B&B guests. It's not too soon to think about lining up a stay or even booking a day of lessons. I'd love to do some clinics too, but at this point, they would have to be during the week. Reach out and let's start planning the warm days, while it's still cold.

Now I'm all excited about what's to come. I guess for today it's just cross-training and healthy eating.

I hope you are equally ready to make 2018 the best ski season of your life.

Peace & Love - Corey

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